Monday, 13 April 2015

Sr Postmaster Grade Exam - Eligibility conditions

On announcement of Examination schedule (LDCE) for selection to the Senior Postmaster Grade, many of our members are asking to clarify the eligibility conditions to appear for the said Examination. As per the Recruitment rules framed, only Inspector Posts with 6 years of regular service are eligible to appear for the Sr Postmaster Examination. Inspectors who have completed 6 years regular service in IP cadre as on 01-01-2011 are eligible to appear for the LDCE scheduled to be held on 31-12-2011. ASPs are not eligible to appear for the Examination.
An extract of the Senior Postmaster (Group B Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 2010, dated 9th September, 2010 is furnished here under for the information of the members.
VI. 25% of vacancies in the grade of Sr. Postmaster will be filled up by promotion of Postmaster Gr. III with 2 years of regular service in the grade (including regular service in HSG, I if any) and 75% by Inspector of Posts (IPOs) with 6 years of regular service in the grade on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE).
VII.The officials in PS Gr ‘B’ and Senior Postmaster (Gazetted) would be eligible for induction in IPoS Gr ‘A’ on the basis of a consolidated eligibility list.

Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of Postal Service Group’B’-2011 to be held on 15th May 2011.

Apr 8, 2011

Directorate instructions on PS Group-B Examination

Copy of Directorate letter No. A-34012/1/2011-DE dated 6th April 2011 is reproduced below.

Sub:Sub:- Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of Postal Service Group’B’-2011 to be held on 15th May 2011.


I am directed to refer this office letter No. .A-34012/2/2010-DE dated 16th March, 2011 wherein the calendar of PAs/SAs Direct Recruitment and Departmental Examinations for the year 2011 was communicated.

2. Accordingly the PS Gr. B examination 2011, will be held as under :-




15th May 2011 (Sunday)

Paper-I (Without the aid of Books)

10.00 AM to 01.00 AM

Paper-II (without the aid of Books)

02.00 PM to 05.00 PM

1. As per the existing Recruitment Rules of the Postal Service Group B following category of officials are eligible to appear for the examination.

i) Inspectors of Posts with 5 years regular service in the grade as on 01-01-2010.

ii) Clerical line officials working in Post Offices / Postal Divisional Offices with 5 years regular service in the Lower Selection Grade 9LSG) only and above as on 01-01-2010.

Note : Postal / Sorting Assistants placed in TBOP/BCR/MACPs scales, which are only Financial Up-gradations, are not entitled to appear for the Examination.

2. The syllabus for the PS Group B Examination 2011 is enclosed at Annexure-I and the schedule for conducting the Examination is enclosed at Annexure-II. The Examination will be of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and with the use of carbonless (duplicate) Optical Mark Reader (OMR) Answer Sheets. A separate sheet will be provided for writing of Paragraph other than MCQ Test Booklet.

3. It is intimated that the Question Papers for the said Examination (other than the Paragraph Writing & Current Affairs) will be set within the ambit of the various Postal Manuals which are made available on the Indiapost Website/various instructions issued by the Department from time to time/approved reference books notified in the enclosed modified syllabus. However, the Examination will be held without the aid of Books.

4. The category-wise break-up of vacancies to be filled through the PS Group B Examination 2011 is indicated below:

Examination for

Category-wise break up of vacancies





Inspector Posts Line Officials (19%)





General Line Officials (6%)





Note : The result will be subject to the outcome of the judgements of various CAT Benches relating to previous Examinations.

5. The Application Form kit will contain Application OMR Form (Mangental Colour), Instruction Sheet, Acknowledgement Card and envelope for mailing the Application Form to CMC Ltd.

6. It is requested to bring the contents of this letter as well as Annexure-I and II to the notice of all concerned.

7. Hindi version will follow.

Yours faithfully,


(L. Mohan Rao)

Assistant Director General (DE)


Syllabus for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of PS Group ‘B’.

Paper-I :

(1) Acts/Rules/Guidelines /Instructions relating to Inland and Foreign Posts, Mail Operations, Money Remittances, Savings Bank Schemes and Certificates, Rural and Postal Life Insurance.

(2) Organisation of Department, Office Procedure and Material Management for optimum utilization of network, Establishment and Administrative Matters.

(3) Paragraph Writing and Current Affairs.

Paper-II :

CCS (Conduct) Rules, CCS (CCA) Rules, Accounts, GFR, FRs and SRs and FHBs.


Schedule for conducting the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. ‘B’

Revised Syllabus & Pattern for PSS Group 'B' & Postmaster Grade-I exam

Revised Syllabus & Pattern for PSS Group 'B' & Postmaster Grade-I exam

Directorate vide memo No. 9-59/2010-SPG dated 8/3/2011 has revised the pattern and scheme for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination to fill up the vacancies in the grade of Senior Postmasters and existing syllabus of PS Gr. B Examination is also revised.
A) Syllabus for Sr. Postmaster.
S. No.
Existing pattern
Proposed pattern
No. of papers
Paper-I :
(1) Acts / Rules / Guidelines / Instructions relating to Inland & Foreign Posts, Mail Operations, Money Remittances, Savings bank Schemes & Certificates, RPLI / PLI.
(2) Organization of Department, Office Procedure & Material management for optimum utilization of network, Establishment & Administrative matters.
(3) Paragraph writing and current Affairs.
Paper-II :
CCS (Conduct) rules, CCS (CCA) Rules, Accounts, GFR, FRs & SRs and FHBs.
Each paper will carry 300 marks
Duration for each paper is 3 hours
No. of questions
150 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) in each paper
Qualifying Marks
50% marks in each paper subject to an overall average of 50% for general category and 40% marks in each paper subject to overall average of 40% for SC/ST categories.
Assessment of APAR / ACR
The Competent Authority will ensure and certify the following before recommending the application of the official for examination:
(i) No disciplinary action is pending or contemplated against the applicant.
(ii) No punishment is current against the applicant.
(iii) No adverse entry in the APAR / ACR in the last five years.
B) Syllabus for PS Gr. B
S. No.
Existing pattern
Proposed pattern
No. of papers
Paper-I :
Postal manual Vol. V, Postal Manual Vol. II, Brochure of reservation for SC/ST candidates, CCS (Conduct) Rules, CCS (CCA) Rules, GDS (Conduct & Employment) Rules.
Paper-II :
Postal Manual Vo. VII, PO Guide Part-I, Manual for SBCO, BO Rules, Postal Manual Vol. I.
Paper-III :
FRs & SRs FHB, CCS (Pension) Rules, CCS (Leave) Rules, Postal Manual Vol. II (Chapter.III- Appeals & Petitions)
Paper-IV :
General knowledge with special reference to public relations, staff relations, grievance handling, staff welfare, supervisory skills and office management and Precis Writing.
Paper-I :
(4) Acts / Rules / Guidelines / Instructions relating to Inland & Foreign Posts, Mail Operations, Money Remittances, Savings bank Schemes & Certificates, RPLI / PLI.
(5) Organization of Department, Office Procedure & Material management for optimum utilization of network, Establishment & Administrative matters.
(6) Paragraph writing and current Affairs.
Paper-II :
CCS (Conduct) rules, CCS (CCA) Rules, Accounts, GFR, FRs & SRs and FHBs.
Each paper carries 100 marks.
Each paper will carry 300 marks
Duration for each paper is 3 hours
No change
No. of Questions
Subjective type Questions
150 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) in each paper.
Qualifying Marks
50 % marks in each paper subject to an overall average of 50 % for general category and 40% marks in each paper subject to overall average of 40% for SC/ST categories.
No change
Assessment of APAR / ACR
Not included
The Competent Authority will ensure and certify the following before recommending the application of the official for examination:
(i) No disciplinary action is pending or contemplated against the applicant.
(ii) No punishment is current against the applicant.
(iii) No adverse entry in the APAR / ACR in the last five years.

Details of the saving schemes, remittances, life insurances and social disbursements

Details of the saving schemes, remittances, life insurances and social disbursements

                             AS ANSWERED IN RAJYA SABHA
At present Department of Posts is offering 9 Small Savings Schemes, named below, to the public on behalf of MoF (DEA).
      i.      Savings Account
        ii.     Recurring Deposit
      iii.    Time Deposit                                     
 iv.    Monthly Income Account Scheme
 v.     Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme
vi.    Public Provident Fund
vii.   National Savings Certificates (VIII and IXth Issue)
viii.  Kisan Vikas Patra (re-launched on 18.11.2014)
 ix.   Sukanya Samriddhi Account (launched on 22.01.2015)
In the above schemes, only mobilization of Small Savings through deposits is done and there is no provision of credit facility to the members of public. Core Banking is being implemented in the Post Offices. As on 23-02-2015, CBS facility is available in 2129 Post offices. ATMs have also been installed in 11 locations across the country.
Department of Posts is the largest provider of money remittance services in the country. As may be seen from the table below, the Post Office paid out a total of Rs.12,000/-  crores during 2013-14 to 9 crore  reciepients, under its domestic and international remittances.
Number of Transactions
Amount Disbursed (In Crores)
Domestic remittances
(Money orders)
e-MO & iMO
International Remittances
International Financial System,
Western Union and Money Gram
(i) Domestic money remittance services: The domestic money transfer facility through post office is called Money Order.   This service is available in all post offices, and is of two categories:
(ii)Electronic Money Order (eMO): The eMO service introduced in 2008 has since replaced the manual money order service. It has modernised the transmission process of money orders by ensuring quick and secure electronic transmission. Time taken for Transmission is very less and amount is normally paid within a day of booking. The maximum amount that can be sent in a single eMO is Rs. 5000/- and the money is paid in cash at the door step of the payee. Customers also have the convenience of tracking the eMO through Indiapost website.
(iii)Instant Money Order (iMO): DoP also provides an advance money order service under the brand instant Money Order. This is an instant, web based money transfer service. Amounts from Rs.1000/- to Rs.50000/- can be remitted through designated iMO post offices. The remitter has to fill-up prescribed form at an iMO post office and produce valid photo identity. Money Order Commission varies based on the amount of remittance, and ranges from Rs. 100/- to Rs. 120/-. Payee has to visit the post office, fill up the prescribed form and produce the identity proof to receive the money. Amount recieved can also be credited to the post office savings account of the payee.
(iv) International remittance services: The Department is also offering inward international money transfer, which is done through three different channels. First is the International Financial System, which is a post-to-post collaboration. The other two are third party services, in tie up with Western Union Money Transfer and Moneygram respectively. These channels are quick and easy ways of transferring personal remittance from abroad to beneficiaries in India. Together, they make it possible for post office customers to receive money from nearly 200 countries through identified post offices.  Remittances play an important role in the local economies in large parts of the country. They contribute mostly to economic growth and to the livelihoods of less prosperous people, and are hence significant to the people of rural and inaccessible areas.
The Department has been entrusted with the task of disbursing wages and pensions under various Government sponsored Social Security Schemes like;
·         Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS),
·         Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS),
·         Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme (IGNWPS),
·         Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme (IGNDPS) and
·         Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY).
3.1. Disbursement of MGNREGA wages through post offices
 The Scheme is operational through 96,735 post offices as on 31.03.2014. The MGNEREGS payments for the year 2013-14 are as follows-
No. of MGNREGA accounts (in crore)
Amount disbursed (Rs in crore)
3.2. Payment of various social security pension schemes: Department also undertakes payment of pensions under National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) of the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD). These include:
1.    Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS),
2.    Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme (IGNWPS) and
3.    Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme (IGNDPS)
These payments for pension schemes are being effected either through Money Orders or Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) accounts depending upon the choice of implementing agency and beneficiaries. During the year 2013-14, Rs. 1494.47 crores have been disbursed through 3.95 crores accounts and more than Rs. 4085 crores  have been paid through 5.38 crore money orders.
3.3. Cash Payment under Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY Scheme)
 IGMSY, a Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Maternity Benefit Scheme for addressing maternal under-nutrition, has been introduced in 52 identified districts through the platform of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme. The Scheme envisages providing cash directly to women during pregnancy and lactation subject to the individuals fulfilling specific conditions. Postal network in these districts is contributing to the success of the Scheme by opening POSB accounts for the beneficiaries and facilitating taransfer of cash to them under the Scheme.  More than 4.43 lakh such accounts have been opened so far through which Rs. 70.68 crore have been disbursed.
Through the above activities the postal network has succeeded in increasing the purchasing power of the people, thereby giving impetus to economic activities in the rural and backward  areas of the country.
Department of Posts provides Postal Life Insurance (PLI) and Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) schemes to the citizens.  The status of PLI/RPLI funds and the business procured during the last year are as under:
No. of Policies procured during the year
Sum Assured of policies procured (in Rs. Crore)
Aggregate No. of Policies in force
Aggregate Sum Assured (in Rs. Crore)