Sunday, 25 December 2016
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Pending Transactions for RD in DOP Finacle
Pending Transactions for RD in DOP Finacle
HPLIST:-Pending Installment List
- This menu is used to find the defaulted installments for any RD account.
- Invoke the menu HPLIST then give From a/c id,To a/c id and remove the start date as follows
Then in the result screen status indicates as follows
- If status is N then it indicates as Normal subscription.
- If status is A then it indicates as Advance subscription.
- If status is P then it indicates as Pending subscription.
CIF Step 4 : Process of Merger of CIF in Finacle
CIF Step 4 : Process of Merger of CIF in Finacle
Merger of CIF in Finacle
CIF Merger may be for the following reasons:
- When one person is having several accounts in different CIF ID
- On death of a single account holder the nominee or legal heir wants to continue the account of the deceased.
Menu in Finacle
Invoke the above menu in Finacle, to merge the CIF ID.
Operator Process
- Operator have to invoke the menu called HCCA, select the Function M- Modify.
- Enter the account number to which the CIF ID is to be merged.
- Click on GO button using Mouse / Press F4 using Keyboard to go the next screen.
- Enter New CIF ID of the Customer. Click on Yes in Modify A/C Name if any changes in customer name.
- Select the Proper reason code then Submit using Mouse / Press F10 using Keyboard.
Supervisor Process
Merger of the CIF ID has to be verified by the Supervisor using the same menu option
- Select the Function v- Verify and Enter the Account Number.
- Click on GO using Mouse / Press F4 Using Keyboard.
- Verify all the necessary fields then Click on Submit / Press F10 using Keyboard.
Detailed CIF Creation Process in DOP finacle
Step 1 : Check Duplication in CIF Click Here
Step 2 : Create a new CIF in Finacle Click Here
Step 3 : Modification in CIF of Finacle Click Here
Step 4 : Merger of CIF in DOP Finacle Click Here
Solution for the error using the menu HACSP-"E5389-The future value dating is not enabled" in DOP Finacle
Solution for the error using the menu HACSP-"E5389-The future value dating is not enabled" in DOP Finacle
We generally use the menu HACS or HACSP to know the number of account opened/closed for a particular period.
- We can also generate the teller balances report and vault balance report by selecting the corresponding General Ledger Subhead Code from list of codes available in the menu HACS/HACSP.
- Recently future date transactions are disabled in Production server i.e., in Finacle live server hence we are trying to generate the above said reports users are facing the error - "E5389-The future value dating is not enabled" in DOP Finacle.
- The error screen shot will be as shown in the below figure
From the above screen shot it is clear that the system is showing the above said error.
Solution for the above Problem :-
- In order to solve the above problem enter all the required fields along with those fieldsselect the field Include Future Balance as "No"as shown in the below procedure
- then the system will not show any error it will generate the report as desired by the user.
- For example I am generating list of accounts opened for a particular period as shown in the below procedure.
Enter the following fields in the menu HACSP
Enter the field SOLID _____________
Enter the field Scheme code ____________ (or)
Enter the field general ledger subhead code ___________
Enter the field Open Date (low) ____________
Enter the field Open Date (High) _________________
Select the field Include Future Balance As "NO" (this is new modification done in the software hence select as NO) as shown in the figure
- Then finally click on Submit then the system will generate the desired report as shown in the below figure.
Monday, 28 November 2016
Difference between AIAPC & General Line Supervisor Assocation ..Read, Think & Act
Following was a question raised by one wise Postmaster from Andhra Pradesh Circle soon after 2nd AIC of All India Association of Postmaster Cadre held at Jaipur on 17/08/2014
think Postal Directorate is creating confusion among us to protract our
issues. One time they advised us either to continue in the existing
union or join in Supervisors association. This time they are advising
to submit another proposal. I can not understand why Directorate
started dialogue with us when we all are decided to shift to Postal
Supervisors association in the Jaipur Meeting!!!
In this regard reply given by AIAPC, WB Circle was as under:
the Directorate has certainly confused us for not to form another
association. They are already facing lots of problems owing to existing
Federations and Unions. At Jaipur, some circles were in favour of
AIAPC and some were in favour of Supervisors Association (GL).
Therefore, our decision was not at all anonymous. Moreover, it was not the decision of real All India too and the decision was taken under following line. “Postmasters will take a readymade platform to take up the local issues and form bodies of All India Association of Supervisors” which itself clarifies that the decision was not of permanent nature. However,
more discussion would be required for taking the decision but we did
not have that opportunity owing to lack of time. Hon’ble Manoj Bhardwaj
was our guest on that day. The discussion should be of our own (AIAPC)
not in presence of our hon’ble guest who was from AIAPS(GL). Therefore,
the discussion was not held keeping our mind open which was practically
held in presence of our hon’ble guest. The Supervisors Association (GL)
is now surviving on the stay order given by the Hon’ble Delhi High
Court. If we all (all Postmaster Cadre officials) together with huge
number of LSG, HSG-II & HSG-I officials join Supervisors Association
(GL) then only the association will survive, otherwise it will perish
away in course of membership verification process ( April-2015) even
they win the case. Then where will we go?
It is agreed that there is ample scope of winning the case [W.P.(C) 1827/1997 against the ambiguous orders of the DOP relating to “Distinct Category” ] by
AIAPS(GL) in view of legal point under Sub-rule ( c ) and (d) (ii) of
Rule 5 of Central Civil Services (Recognition of Service Association)
Rules, 1993. On the other hand there is also huge chance of losing the
case in view of clarification of “Distinct Category” vide the DoPT O.M.
No 3/12/94-JCA, dated 10-3-1995 which is reproduced below:
“This is in continuation of this Department’s O. M. No 2/10/80-JCA, dated 31-1-1994 and O. M. No 2/2/94-JCA, dated 22-4-1994
2. Definition of distinct category
In terms of Rule 5(c ), membership of a service association has been
restricted to a ‘Distinct Category’ of Government servant having common
interest. It has been clarified in the aforesaid OM that responsibility
of defining ‘Distinct Category’ whose members have commonality of
interest is left to the concerned Ministries/ Departments. In this
connection, it is clarified that while defining ‘Category’, there is
no objection to the existing association retaining their entity or a
‘class’ or ‘group’ being treated as a ‘Category’ , provided there is no
administrative problem or there is no clash of interest among
constituent of the association. It may, however, be ensured that
employees not covered by the provision of CCS(RSA) Rules, 1993, are not
included in any category whatsoever”
This can be construed as the creation of Kashmir Problem from the womb of independent India.
whatever may be the result of the case, the extinction of AIAPS(GL) may
happen because most of the supervisors are either active members or
leaders of existing P3 unions. They will remain as unofficial members /
dormant members / unofficial leaders of existing P3 unions in case they
lose the case but will surely not join to AIAPS(GL) as they are doing
now. Obviously we salute the members of AIAPS(GL) for carrying out
the legal battle in the Hon’ble Delhi High Court since 17 years. Perhaps
their legal battle will render us much advantage while making the
Postmaster Cadre as “Distinct Category” keeping no ambiguity like IP
Cadre. Please think why shall we ride on a “sinking boat” which is
visible through a naked eye?
In this regard a simple calculation is given hereunder which may remove the confusion:
Name of cadre
No of Posts
Name of cadre
No of Posts
| |||
LSG (2011)
PM, Gr-I
| |||
| |||
HSG-I (2014)
| |||
Individual total
| ||||
| ||||||
Total Supervisory Posts
Based on real data
| ||||
35% of Supervisory Posts
4719 i.e. the magic number is sufficiently higher than that of total posts in PM Cadre.
| |||||
These 35% members are required based on filled up posts for surviving a
union/association under Sub-rule (d) (i) of Rule 5 of Central Civil
Services (Recognition of Service Association) Rules, 1993 read with Rule
8 of same rule.
| ||||||
Approximate Filled up posts
2000(almost real data)
| ||||
Total filled up supervisory posts (8000 + 2000)
| |||||
35% of filled up Supervisory Posts
3500. In this case also the magic number is sufficiently higher than that of total filled up posts in PM Cadre.
| |||||
the AIAPS(GL) don’t have more than 20 members all over India. They are
not able to manage the support of peoples of their cadre owing to the
statement made in earlier para (underlined). They have to manage the
support of 3500 members hypothetically in course of verification process
(April, 2015). Thus from the statement made in earlier para
(underlined) and above mentioned calculation anyone may realize that
entire community of P M Cadre officials is not able to nourish the
AIAPS(GL) anyway. Moreover, our General Secretary in his 2nd proposal dtd 26/08/2014 addressed to the Directorate clearly mentioned the following para:
It is also mentioned against Clarification 2 of the Directorate’s letter F. No 4-17/2008-SPB-II dated 10th February,
2011, “In case it is decided to discharge the probationer from
Postmaster Grade-I and Grade-II, the official will be reverted to
General Line”. This itself inter-aliaclarifies that the Postmaster Cadre doesn’t belong to General Line in the Postal Wing of the DOP.
joining AIAPS(GL) presently does not have any legal validity since as
per forgoing para the Postmaster Cadre doesn’t belong to General Line in
the Postal Wing of the DOP even though the AIAPS(GL) has already made
necessary amendment in their constitution for entry of P M Cadre
officials which has not yet approved by the Directorate.
owing to our hurried decision taken in the 2nd AIC (Jaipur), we have
already lost the real spirit of the PM Cadre movement to some extent and
if it continues, it will ultimately die like our first war of
independence in the year 1857. Friends, please realize what happened to
Mother Gandhari by giving premature birth of her 100 babies? Thus
maturity of a movement will take time. “It’s a process, It’s a process and It’s a process: Change takes time”. But don’t deviate, stick on, remain united and determined as “determination leads to success”. So Friends, think twice, thrice even more for our hurried decision. Filled Up Posts of Postmaster Cadre in Various Circle
Filled Up Posts of Postmaster Cadre in Various Circle
Circle Name | Grade I | Grade II | Grade III | T otal |
Andhra Pradesh | 131 | 29 | 0 | 160 |
Bihar | 58 | 7 | 2 | 67 |
Chattisgarh | 20 | 1 | 3 | 24 |
Gujarat | 47 | 3 | 6 | 56 |
Haryana | 36 | 3 | 0 | 39 |
Himachal Pardesh | 28 | 7 | 5 | 40 |
Jammu & Kashmir | 11 | 4 | 0 | 15 |
Karnatka | 130 | 26 | 25 | 181 |
Kerala | 102 | 8 | 14 | 124 |
Maharashtra | 197 | 16 | 10 | 223 |
Madhya Pradesh | 61 | 5 | 4 | 70 |
North East | 7 | 0 | 1 | 8 |
Punjab | 58 | 1 | 3 | 62 |
Rajasthan | 50 | 2 | 8 | 60 |
Tamilnadu | 223 | 41 | 10 | 274 |
Uttar Pradesh | 165 | 32 | 1 | 198 |
West Bengal | 84 | 37 | 0 | 121 |
1408 | 222 | 92 | 1722 |
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
India Post Payment Bank Recruitment: Eligibility & Salary Doubts Answered
The Indian banking sector is finally opening up with new banks being
established from this year.India post has started India Post Payment
Bank and has also issued a massive recruitment notification for officer
posts.Since freshers are also eligible for these positions, and IPPB
being a new bank,many aspirants have doubts related to eligibility,job
profile etc..
For the candidates to better understand India post payment bank
recruitment 2016,here is a compilation of answers for some of your most
common doubts.
As per the notification, the online registration closes on October 25.So
if you are eligible,go ahead & submit your applications immediately
instead of waiting for the last minute.
Age & Qualification Doubts:
Q: India Post Payment Bank (IPPB) – Is it a govt job or private?
A: India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) is 100% owned by Government of India
through Department of Posts.So it is completely a govt bank job.
Q: I will turn 20 years in January 2017.Am I eligible for Assistant Manager (Territory- scale I) post?
A: No.The age limit fixed for recruitment of this position is 20 - 30 yrs, as on September 1, 2016.
Only those who are born not between 02.09.1986 & 01.09.1996 are eligible to apply for scale I positions.
Q: What is the age requirement for Manager (scale II) & Senior Manager (scale III)?
A: Manager (scale II): 23 to 35 years (birth date must be within 02.09.1981 & 01.09.1993
Senior Manager (scale III): 26 to 35 years (born between 02.09.1981 & 01.09.1990)
Q: I belong to OBC/ SC/ ST category.Are there any relaxations in age?
A: Like in any govt recruitments, the maximum age is extended by 3 yrs
for OBC, 5 yrs for SC, ST, 10 yrs for persons with disability (PWD)
Q: I have only 45% in degree.Am I eligible?
A: You are eligible as pass in degree is enough to apply.The percentage
of marks doesn't matter for india post payment bank recruitment 2016.
Q: I am in final semester/ year of college & will complete degree only in 2017.
A: Candidates who have completed their degree by Sep 1, 2016 are only eligible for these jobs.
Therefore those who are doing their final semester/ year or waiting for results are NOT permitted to apply.
Experience related Doubts
Q: Is experience required for Assistant Manager (scale I) cadre job?
A: No.Freshers are also eligible for this post
Q: What are the experience conditions for scale II & III positions?
A: There are 652 scale II & 408 scale III vacancies in India post
payment bank recruitment.So each post has separate condition listed
Manager (scale II): 3 yrs experience of working in scale I in any public
sector bank or equivalent scale in a private bank or similar level in
any other organization.
Senior Manager (scale III): Minimum 6 yrs experience of working in scale
II in any govt bank or equivalent scale in a private bank or similar
level in any other organization.
Salary, Bond & Job Location Doubts
Q: What is the salary of officers in India post payment bank?
A: The payscale for employees in IPPB varies with scale.
Assistant Manager (scale I): Rs.65,000 /month Manager (scale II): Rs.83,000 /month
Senior Manager (scale III): Rs.1,06,000 /month
The above salary is inclusive of allowances & benefits.So your take
home salary could be around 30% lesser than the CTC given above.
Q: Is there any service bond in india post payment bank?
A: There is NO agreement or service bond in IPPB
Q: Can I get posting in my home state? Are there transfers?
A: The IPPB recruitment is not conducted state-wise.So you may be posted to any branch of the bank located across India.
India Post Payment Bank (IPPB)recruitment 2016
The Indian banking sector
is finally opening up with new banks being established from this year.India
post has started India Post Payment Bank and has also issued a massive
recruitment notification for officer posts.Since freshers are also eligible for
these positions, and IPPB being a new bank,many aspirants have doubts related
to eligibility,job profile etc..
For the candidates to
better understand India post payment bank recruitment 2016,here is a
compilation of answers for some of your most common doubts.
As per the notification,
the online registration closes on October 25.So if you are eligible,go ahead
& submit your applications immediately instead of waiting for the last
& Qualification Doubts:
Q: India Post Payment
Bank (IPPB) – Is it a govt job or private?
A: India Post Payments
Bank (IPPB) is 100% owned by Government of India through Department of Posts.So
it is completely a govt bank job.
Q: I will turn 20 years
in January 2017.Am I eligible for Assistant Manager (Territory- scale I)
A: No.The age limit fixed
for recruitment of this position is 20 - 30 yrs, as on September 1, 2016.
Only those who are born
not between 02.09.1986 & 01.09.1996 are eligible to apply for scale I
Q: What is the age
requirement for Manager (scale II) & Senior Manager (scale III)?
A: Manager (scale II): 23
to 35 years (birth date must be within 02.09.1981 & 01.09.1993
Senior Manager (scale
III): 26 to 35 years (born between 02.09.1981 & 01.09.1990)
Q: I belong to OBC/ SC/
ST category.Are there any relaxations in age?
A: Like in any govt
recruitments, the maximum age is extended by 3 yrs for OBC, 5 yrs for SC, ST,
10 yrs for persons with disability (PWD)
Q: I have only 45% in
degree.Am I eligible?
A: You are eligible as
pass in degree is enough to apply.The percentage of marks doesn't matter for
india post payment bank recruitment 2016.
Q: I am in final
semester/ year of college & will complete degree only in 2017.
A: Candidates who have completed
their degree by Sep 1, 2016 are only eligible for these jobs.
Therefore those who are
doing their final semester/ year or waiting for results are NOT permitted to
related Doubts
Q: Is experience required
for Assistant Manager (scale I) cadre job?
A: No.Freshers are also
eligible for this post
Q: What are the
experience conditions for scale II & III positions?
A: There are 652 scale II
& 408 scale III vacancies in India post payment bank recruitment.So each
post has separate condition listed below:
Manager (scale II): 3 yrs
experience of working in scale I in any public sector bank or equivalent scale
in a private bank or similar level in any other organization.
Senior Manager (scale
III): Minimum 6 yrs experience of working in scale II in any govt bank or
equivalent scale in a private bank or similar level in any other organization.
Salary, Bond & Job
Location Doubts
Q: What is the salary of
officers in India post payment bank?
A: The payscale for
employees in IPPB varies with scale.
Assistant Manager (scale
I): Rs.65,000 /month Manager (scale II): Rs.83,000 /month
Senior Manager (scale
III): Rs.1,06,000 /month
The above salary is
inclusive of allowances & benefits.So your take home salary could be around
30% lesser than the CTC given above.
Q: Is there any service
bond in india post payment bank?
A: There is NO agreement
or service bond in IPPB
Q: Can I get posting in
my home state? Are there transfers?
A: The IPPB recruitment
is not conducted state-wise.So you may be posted to any branch of the bank
located across Indi
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