Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Mission of TeamAIAPC at the Directorate on 15/09/2016: Observation of ground reality about Postmasters

In a mission to the Directorate on 15/09/2016, TeamAIAPC observed the ground reality of what is happening there about the Postmaster Gr-I, II & III. Outcome of that visit summarized below in brief for information of all the Postmasters with request not to float in air and come out from your comfort zone.
Information gathered
Pay Commission Cell, ADG (GDS)
Upgradation of GP
TeamAIAPC visited here for the purpose of outcome of matter regarding upgradation of GP 4200, 4600, 4800, 5400 for PM-I, II, III & Sr PM respectively. As per discussion held at this s
ection, we have been advised that our representation must be put up to The Chairman, Anomaly Committee, Dak Bhawan New Delhi-1 only in respect of 7th CPC.
One time relaxation & more
It is our bad luck that the ADG (SPN) is now transferred to another ministry (Ministry of Food). The post is vacant now and will be filled up within a few days. As per discussion held at this section, our letter regarding one time relaxation & more for promotion to Gr-II & III already available with them. A healthy debate was held between on one time relaxation. After a threadbare discussion, they were convinced and agreed that letter will be considered positively on top priority.
ADG, Estt-1(PE1)
Cadre Restructuring of PM Cadre
Our team visited here basically for Cadre Restructuring of PM Cadre The ADG Est-1 was on leave. During the discussion held at this section, it has come to the notice that the CR process of RMS & SBCO is going on.
TeamAIAPC also informed that already an internal meeting was held at the Directorate regarding CR of remaining cadres. In this meeting it was resolved that as PM Cadre has not yet completed its minimum service for 5 yrs required for CR, hence the CR for PM Cadre could not preformed at this time. An extract of DOPT’s instruction in this regard is reproduced below:
Cadre review is an important aspect of cadre management. It ensures a healthy balance between the functional requirements of an organisation and legitimate career aspirations of its officers. The thrust of such an exercise is on scientific manpower projection and recruitment planning in order to rationalise the cadre structure as also to enhance efficiency, morale and effectiveness of the service/cadre. In terms of the extant guidelines, ideal periodicity of cadre review is once every five years.
However, we have been assured that after completion of RMS & SBCO etc., the CR of PM Cadre will be considered in favourable manner. We provided all of our logics while discussion, but we was advised by the concerned section that all of our anomaly must be re-submitted in proper manner with all grievances at the end of December-2016 or starting of January -2017.
Exams of IP / PSS Group-B are on top priority. Exam on PM Grade-1 will be in Feb-2017 expectedly.
RR for Sr PM
RR of PSS Group-B is under process. After that RR for Sr PM will be taken up afresh expectedly. We have to use all wise ways to have our right.
ADG, Estt-2
RR for PM-I, II & III
Series of our letter regarding change/modification in RR of PM Gr-I, II & III are attached to ADG(SPN). So ADG (SPN) will consider those and TeamAIAPC has to pursue all those matters on regular ongoing process basis
This is the pen picture of ground reality what is happening in the Directorate. Postmasters active on whatsapp must be aware of the fact and are invited to participate in the real struggle.

Please think we are too much late. Actually AIAPC came in real action at the end of 2014 or starting of 2015. We spent initial three years in childish manner. Now it should be our top priority to fill up this gap and we have to accelerate the struggle in full swing and each & every Postmaster (Grade-I, II & III) must be aware of the ground reality. Still a good number of them are members of Gr-C or other association. They must be aware of the fact how DOP has ruined our career.

Leaders of Gr-C federations drop crocodile's tears in front of us. Because of them AIAPC was deprived from taking part in the Membership Verification Process-2015. Only because of them, there is no unity among Postmasters. They are taking this opportunity and using them as their trump cards. Our Postmasters are still feeding them by subscribing from pay roll though they are making us fool. If our Postmasters can't through them from their mind, nothing is possible. However AIAPC will continue its fight for PM Cadre.

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