Thursday, 3 December 2015

SB ORDER 2006-2011

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01/2006-Subject:-Mode of payments of deposits under Sec 269 IT Act (Rs 20000/- and exceeding by way of cheque
02- Subject:- MIS Account Rules,2006 ; Regarding(No bonus on maturity w.e.f 13.06)
03- Subject:- SCSS-2004-Clarification regarding ( FAQ on on premature closures interest & claim settlement)
04- Subject:- SCSS -2004,nomination through Power of Attorney : clarification
05- Subject:- SCSS-2004; clarification on payment of interest less than a quarter
06- Subject:- SCSS-2004; clarification for continuance of an SCSS account after death of depositor
07- Subject:- SCSS-2004: issue relating TDS ; clarification
08- Subject:- SCSS-2004 ; Amendment regarding Account transfer cases (Transfer fee Rs.5/-per lakh (1st & Rs 10/-(subsequent)
09- Subject:- Amendment to SCSS -2004 Rules ;Clarification
10- Subject:- Time norms for transferring of accounts
11- Subject:- Separation of account withdrawal and closure forms (SB-7, SB-7A)
12- Subject:- Numbering of unlisted RD schedules(ASLAAS-6) by Agents in Post offices -5 year RD account Regarding
13- Subject:- Compliance of Service Tax regarding (ST12%+EC2%)
14- Subject:- SCSS-2004; issue relating to TDS clarification
15- Subject:- SCSS-2004; issue relating to TDS; submission of declaration
16- Subject:- PO MIA scheme pre-mature closure : regarding
17- Subject:- Opening of SB accounts through cheques
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18- Subject:- Settlement of claims- Payment to claimants/Nominee
19- Subject:- SCSS Deposits- Exit option scheme for SBI –Eligible optees
20- Subject:- Addition to Rule 11(13) POSB manual volume-II. Endorsement of cheque drawn in favor of PM by a customer.
21- Subject:- SCSS-2004-Exit option scheme of SBI eligibility of optees (55yrs-60yrs) to invest in SCSS-2004
22- Subject:- Corrigendum to SB Order No.20/06 (Rule 11(3) of POSB Vol-II)
23- Subject:- Revision of format of account withdrawal and account closure.
24- Subject :- Extension of post dated cheque facility to SCSS-2004
25- Subject :- Payment of quarterly SCSS interest through MO
26- Subject :- PO MIS account rules 1987 simplification of procedure. (Validity period of PDCs -3 months)
27- Subject:- SCSS-2004 issue relating to TDS classification . (15G,15Hand 16A)
28- Subject:- Operating procedure for making payment through post dated cheques-SCSS quarterly interest
29- Subject:- Actions of authorized agents as witness or messenger
01/2007- Subject:- Grant of honorarium for calculation of interest in RD premature closure cases-Regarding
02- Subject:- Introduction of the depositor at the time of opening of saving account.
03- Subject:- Deduction of Tax and surcharge on commission paid to SAS/MPKBY/PPF agentsfrom1.6.2007.
04- Subject:- Deduction of TDS in case of Sr. Citizen Saving Scheme 2004 during 2007-2008 with effect from 1.6.2007.
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05- Subject:- Deduction of TDS and surcharge on TDS in case of withdrawals from NSS-1987 during 2007-2008.
06- Subject:- Acting of SAS/MPKBY/PPF agents as an agent or messenger of the depositor for the purpose of withdrawal of money in various saving schemes.
07- Subject:- Amendment in Rule 3 of SCSS Rules and regularization of SCSS accounts opened in contravention of proviso to Rule 3 sub-rule(2) of SCSS Rules i.e restriction on opening of more than one account in a calendar month in same deposit office.
08- Subject:- Remittance of SBMO to HO/SO by field post offices in case of SB deposits received at Field Post Offices for credit into SB accounts standing at Civil Post Offices.
09- Subject:- Payment of money when signatures of depositor differs or not available in PO record- a clarification regarding.
10- Subject:- Issue of TDS certificate in respect of Commission paid to agents, TDS from SCSS and NSS-87 accounts.
11- Subject:- Amendment to Rule 4 of Post Office Saving Account Rule1981 regarding opening of Pension Account.
12- Subject:- Amendment to Rule 4 and Rule 5(1) of Monthly Income Account Rule 1987 regarding maximum limit of investment in MIS.
13- Subject:- Settlement of PPF Claims of Subscribers, who go missing guidelines issued by Min. of Finance.
14- Subject:- Deduction of TDS and issue of TDS certificate for the interest paid to the depositors of Senior Citizen Savings Scheme accounts – Procedure regarding
15- Subject:- Senior Citizen Saving Scheme (SCSS) 2004- Payment of Interest in cases of Pre-mature closure of account.
16- Subject:- Regularization of MIS accounts opened with minimum deposit of Rs.1000/- after 1.8.2007 up to date of receipt of amendment in MIA Rules 1987.
17- Subject:- Acceptance of subscription in PPF account by cheque /demand draft- a clarification regarding.
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18- Subject:- Amendment in rule 9, sub-rule(1) of Post office Monthly Income Account Rules 1987- admissibility of 5% bonus on MIS account opened on or after 8.12.2007 regarding
01/2008- Subject:- Issue of Sanction Memo of deceased claim cases of various Small Savings Schemes- a clarification regarding
02- Subject: - Updating of data of all categories of accounts in all HPOs for HO as well as SO group and review of decentralization of RD/MIS/SCSS policy in the light of frauds being detected in Sub Post Offices.
03- Subject:- Re-payment of any deposit or loan together with interest in any Small Savings Scheme except Savings Account if the amount is Rs. 20,000/- or more- a clarification regarding.
04- Subject:- Amendment to Rule 24(2) of Appendix-I of POSB Manual Vol-I (1988 edition)/ Rule 24(3) of Appendix-I of POSB Manual Vol-I (corrected up to 31.12.2006) regarding withdrawal by SB-7 in cheque account.
05- Subject:- Security of important documents like Ledger Cards, SB-3,Index to ledger cards, Specimen Signature Books and Purchase applications of NSC/KVP etc. used in POSB/SC Operations
06- Subject:- Mentioning of card numbers issued to RD depositors by MPKBY agents in Schedule of RD Deposits.
07- Subject:- Release of 6.0 version of Sanchay Post Software.
08 Subject:- Closure of Savings Bank account and supply of SB-3 alongwith account closure form to SBCO- revised instructions regarding
09- Subject: Non-deduction of income tax at source on the payments of interest under Sr. Citizens Small Savings Scheme, 2004.
10- Subject:- Reinvestment of matured certificates / deposits through authorized Post Office agents- a clarification regarding.(Amended. See just below SB Order No 21/2008)
11- Subject:- Updating of POSB Manual Vol-I and II and following of rules and procedure regarding.
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12- Subject:- Amendment in Rule 3 of SCSS Rules and regularization of SCSS accounts opened in contravention of proviso to Rule 3 sub-rule(2) of SCSS Rules i.e restriction on opening of more than one account in a calendar month in same deposit office- a clarification regarding regularization of accounts already closed before 24.5.2007
13- Subject:- Investment by NRIs and opening of account by Power of Attorney in Small Savings Schemes- a clarification regarding.
14- Subject:- Acceptance of business from agents found involved in fraud cases.
15- Subject:- Amendment in Rule 7 of Post Office RD Rules 1981 regarding number of defaults permissible in RD accounts opened or to be opened by personnel of Defence Services.
16- Subject:- Credit of maturity value of matured savings instruments including certificates into post office savings account regarding
17- Subject:- Opening and operating of account by blind/visually impaired persons independently- an amendment to Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981/ Post Office Time Deposit Rules 1981 and procedure regarding.
18- Subject:- Revision of Account Opening form SB-3- amendment to the Post Office Savings Bank General Rules 1981 in format of FORM-1 regarding.
19- Subject:- Introduction of new type of savings account i.e Workers Wage Account under NREG Act by amending Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981- regarding.
19A.- Subject:- Introduction of new type of savings account i.e Workers Wage Account under NREG Act by amending Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981- regarding.
20- Subject:- Registration of Nomination under Post Office (Monthly Income Account) Rules 1987.
21- Subject:- Amendment to the Rule 12 of Post Office Savings Bank General Rules, 1981 regarding registration of nomination
00- Subject:- Reinvestment of matured certificates / deposits through authorized Post Office agents- a clarification regarding(SB Order10/2008)
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22- Subject:- Sanction of deceased claim cases where there is no nomination and the amount due not exceed Rs. 1 Lakh- a clarification regarding.
23- Subject:- Updating of ledgers/data entry of all savings schemes in HPOs and SOs.
24- Subject:- Payment of collection charges on outstation cheques issued by Central/State Govt. Departments in the name of Postmasters
01/2009- Subject:- Calculation of Post Maturity Interest- a clarification regarding.
02- Subject:- Release of version 6.5 of Sanchay Post Software
03- Subject:- Handling of court cases relating to Savings
Bank/Certificates at various levels.
04- Subject:- Change in mode of dispatch of Advice of Transfer (AT) in case of transfer of accounts.
05- Subject:- Putting up Signboards for awareness of public about possible frauds in POSB/SC.
06- Subject:- Payment of dues in case of “Joint-B” type investments in Small Savings Schemes- a clarification regarding.
07- Subject:- Clarification regarding allowing part withdrawal from Workers Wage Account under NREG Act.
08- Subject:- Delay in issue of MICR Cheque Books to the POSB Accountholders.
09- Subject:- Deduction of Tax and surcharge on commission paid to SAS/MPKBY/PPF Agents- a clarification regarding
10- Subject:- Extension of SCSS-2004 accounts for 3 Years after maturity.
11- Subject:- Admissibility of interest in RD accounts partly extended with monthly deposits and without deposits- a clarification regarding.
12- Subject:- Entering daily Certificate discharge data of SOs in the CC Bridge/Sanchay Post Software in HOs.
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13- Subject:- Revision of existing limit of deposit and withdrawals under Instant Counter Service.
14- Subject:- Delegation of power to sanction deceased claim cases by Sub Postmasters in RD/MIS and SCSS accounts.( also refer SB ORDER NO. 14-A /2009 )
CORRIGENDUM dtd 02-02-2010 see letter below SB order No 04/2010)
15- Subject:- Issue of TDS Certificate.
16- Subject:- Registration of customer‟s request for transfer of account, closure of account and sanction of deceased claim case and maintenance/updation of record in this regard.
17- Subject:- Revised rules of POSB Manual Vol-I (Amendments to various rules on computerization—Rule-5,10,13…..etc. .upto 115)
18- Subject:- Revised rules of POSB Manual Vol-II
19- Subject:- Enhancement of limit of withdrawals at Extra Departmental Sub/Branch Post Offices without obtaining sanction from Account Office
20- Subject:- Regularization of irregular opened/issued accounts/ certificates.
01/2010- Subject:- Guide Book on “ Procedure on Small Savings Schemes and Payment of wages under MGNREGA for use in EDBOs.
02- Subject:- Revival of silent accounts and charging of service charge- a revised procedure regarding.
03- Subject:- Discontinuance of submission of pencil copy of HO list of transactions to AO(ICO) by SBCO-Amendment to Rule 46 of POSB Manual Vol-I and Para 141 of Manual of SB Control Procedure regarding.
04- Subject:- Payment of monthly interest to MIS account holders.
00- Subject:- Delegation of power to sanction deceased claim cases by Sub Postmasters in RD/MIS and SCSS accounts. (SB ORDER NO. 14-A /2009) CORRIGENDUM dtd 02-02-2010
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05- Subject:- Updation of passbooks through passbook printers and drive for educating depositors for opening/ conversion of savings account with cheque facility
06- Subject:- Date of realization of local cheque/demand draft will be date of deposit in PPF account- a clarification regarding.
07- Subject:- Security of Sanchay Post Database- issues relating to common problems, database back-up, storage and preservation.
08 Subject:- Introduction of Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/ Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) norms for small savings schemes-implementation of CDD/KYC, Record Keeping and Reporting norms for POSB account/certificate holders under Prevention of Money Laundering (PML) Act 2002 regarding
09- Subject:- Opening of “Zero Deposit, Zero Balance” savings accounts for beneficiaries of IGNOAPS, IGNWPS and IGNDPS.
10- Subject:- Introduction of Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) norms for small savings schemes- issue of further instructions and clarifications regarding.
11- Subject:- Deduction of TDS in case of Sr. Citizen Saving Scheme 2004 and payment of commission to agents from 1.4.2010.
12- Subject:- Closure of all accounts other than individual accounts(except security deposit accounts) by 31.7.2010.
13- Subject:- Reinvestment of maturity value of one scheme to same or another scheme- a revised procedure regarding.
14- Subject:- Operating procedure for opening and operating Old Age Pension account under IGNOAPS, Widows Pensioner Account under IGNWPS and Disabled Pensioner Account under IGNDPS
15- Subject:- Closure/Premature closure of accounts- revision of format of account closure form SB-7A regarding.
16- Subject:- Printing of new account opening form (SB-3) circulated in 2008
17- Subject:- Admissibility of interest after death of depositor before maturity in case of SCSS-2004 account- amendment to sub rule 3 of Rule 8 of SCSS-2004 rules regarding.
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18- Subject:- Introduction of Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) norms for small savings schemes- fresh instructions and clarifications regarding
19- Subject:- Opening of Joint Sr. Citizen Savings Scheme Account with Spouse- a clarification regarding.
20- Subject:- Deduction of TDS, filing of TDS return and issue of TDS certificate-regarding.
21- Subject:- Amendment to Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981- deletion of provision for opening of Single Savings Account by an authority controlling a Provident Fund, Superannuation Fund or Gratuity Fund on behalf of its individual members.
22- Subject:- Introduction of Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) norms for small savings schemes fresh instructions and clarifications regarding
23- Subject:- Closing of PPF(HUF) accounts on maturity- an amendment to Paragraph (9) of PPF Scheme 1968.
24- Subject:- Reinvestment of maturity value of one scheme to same or another scheme- a revised procedure regarding.
25- Subject:- New procedure for payment of amount of Savings Bank/Certificates in the name of deceased depositors/holders- replacement of Rule 87 of POSB Manual Vol-I and Rule 50 of POSB Manual Vol-II regarding
01/2011- Subject:- Use of prescribed Account Opening Form (Form‟A‟) while opening PPF accounts to avoid irregular opening of Joint accounts in PPF.
02- Subject:- Clarifications regarding new procedure prescribed for settlement of deceased claim cases vide SB Order 25/2010.
03- Subject:- Appointment of agents and other agency functions – fresh instructions issued by MOF(DEA) regarding.
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04- Subject:- Implementation of AML/CFT norms in Small Savings Schemes and Remittances in post offices- carrying out Inspection and its further review regarding.
05- Subject:- Appointment of agents and other agency functions- issue of clarifications regarding (Limit of acceptance of cash from SAS agent(Rs-10000/-)
06- Subject:- Treating the MSY accounts at par with savings accounts and charging of service charge of Rs.20/- per year.
07- Subject:- Extension of PPF Scheme up to Post Offices with sanctioned strength of 2+1 („A‟ class post office) w.e.f 1.7.2011.
08- Subject:- Payment of deposits/certificates belong to minors- a clarification regarding
09- Subject:- Treating letter issued by UIDAI for issue of Aadhar Number as valid ID and Address Proof as KYC/CDD document under Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) norms for small savings schemes.
10- Subject:- Enhancement of Savings Bank Allowance to Postal Assistants working in Savings Bank Branches.
11- Subject:- Opening of more than one account in the same scheme in the name of same depositor or acceptance of more than one purchase application of the same scheme in the name of same depositor in one post office on a single day- a clarification regarding.
12- Subject:- Acceptance of original document as a proof of death in case of settlement of deceased claim case as per new procedure prescribed vide SB Order 25/2010-a clarification regarding
13- Admissibility of interest in PPF(HUF) accounts matured between13.5.2005 to 7.12.2010 -a clarification regarding..
14- Subject:- Restriction on opening of more than one account in the same scheme in the name of same depositor or acceptance of more than one purchase application of the same scheme in the name of same depositor in one post office on a single day- a further clarification regarding.
15-- Subject:- Settlement of deceased claim case in respect of Sr. Citizen‟s Savings Scheme account- a clarification regarding
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16 Subject:- Grant of Savings Bank Allowance to Postal Assistants working in Savings Bank/certificate branches- holding of SB Aptitude Test regarding
17- Subject:- Admissibility of commission to SAS Agents.(on limit of amount of deposit)
18- Subject:- Procedure to be followed during voucher checking by SBCO staff-a clarification regarding.
19- Subject:- Implementation of AML/CFT norms in Small Savings Schemes- an external inspection of selected post offices by Min. of Finance Regarding
20- Subject:- Removal of ceiling of maximum balance to be retained in a post office savings account- amendment to Rule-4 of the Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981 regarding.
21- Subject:- Attestation of Annexure-II (Affidavit) and Annexure-III (Disclaimer on Affidavit) incase of deceased claim case preferred where there is no nomination- a clarification regarding
22- Subject:- Discontinuation of Kisan Vikas Patras w.e.f 1.12.2011.
23- Subject:- Revision of maturity period and maturity value of 6 years National Saving Certification (NSC) VIII with effect issue from 1-12-2011.
24- Subject:-Revision of maximum limit of subscription in a financial year, rate of interest on balance in the PPF Account and rate of interest charged on loan taken from PPF account with effect from 1-12-2011.
25- Subject:- Revision of maturity period, rate of interest and discontinuation of 5% bonus on maturity of Monthly Income Account scheme with effect from 1-12-2011.
26- Subject:- Revision of interest rate on balance at credit from Post Office Savings Account with effect from 1-12-2011
27- Subject:-Revision of rate of interest of Time Deposit Account with effect from 1-12-2011
28- Subject: Revision of rate of interest of Recurring Deposit Account with effect from 1-12-2011
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29- Subject:- Revision of rate of commission payable to SAS and MPKBY agent discontinuance of commission to PPF Agent with effect from 1-12-2011
30- Subject:-Introduction of new schemes called “10 Year National Savings Certificate (IX Issue)” with effect from 1-12-2011
31- Subject:- Modifications in PORD Rules 1981, Post Office Monthly Income Account Rules 1987, POTD Rules 1981, KVP Rules 1988, NSC (VIII-Issue) Rules 1989-regarding.
32 Subject:- Circulation of Notifications issued by Min. of Finance (DEA) notifying the changes in rules of different savings schemes effective from 1.12.2011 - regarding.
33 Subject:- Issue of clarifications regarding premature closure of TD accounts
34 Subject:- Procedure for opening of Savings Accounts of Below Poverty Line (BPL) households

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